Our veterinarians at Thomasville Animal Hospital are passionate about animals and delivering the best care possible for your pet!
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Dr. Cooley spends the majority of his professional time seeing horses at the hospital and to a lesser extent making farm calls. He gets referrals and haul-in cases from a large area of north Florida, south Georgia, and southeast Alabama.
He and Lori, his wife of 30 years, have four children: Vince, Jonathan, AnnaLee and Samuel, the only one still at home except for the four dogs and three cats. He enjoys outdoor activities such as gardening and hunting any type of wildfowl.
According to Dr. Cooley:
“I am very blessed to love what I do for a living, and I spend a lot of time doing it.”

Dr. Bostick is currently practicing small animal medicine and surgery and equine medicine, with a special interest in equine reproduction.